Uhani 'Fashion is about dressing according to what's fashionable. Style is more about being yourself.'

Na zalogi
25,00 €

Zakaj so nam všeč?

Ti uhani so osupljiv par uhanov za vsakodnevne priložnosti, sestavljeni so iz recikliranih elementov.

So unikatni in ročno izdelani, kar jih naredi posebne. 

Dolžina 8,5 cm.

Vsi izdelki IVA so narejeni ročno z uporabo recikliranih elementov, pridobljenih etično in trajnostno.

Why we like them?

This earrings are a stunning statement pair for evryday occasions, featuring of a recycled elements.

This gorgeous earrings are handmade and unique which is part of what makes these pieces one of a kind.

Drop lenght 8,5 cm.

This IVA jewelry piece is crafted by hand using recycled elements, extracted sustainably and ethically.


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